08 Jul Are you losing business because of your website design?

First Impressions Matter
Let’s be honest – Today, people will Google before they shop, visit online review sites like Yelp before they visit a restaurant and “Check-In” on Facebook throughout the day. As a result, you need your online presence to fully represent your business. Starting with your website design, buyers are making choices about your business regardless of whether they have ever been to your store, eatery or office. They’re liable to reject you altogether if your site doesn’t reflect the sort of experience your business ought to offer. How do you know when it is time for a website redesign?
Take an honest look at yourself.
Go to Google and search in your industry. Look at your website. Now look at your competitor’s website…
- Do they look more current?
- Do they have more useful information?
- Is their information better organized and easier to find?
- Is their website mobile friendly?
- Does your website create lead generation?
- Is their website just visually more appealing?
If you answered YES to any of these questions you could be losing sales because your website doesn’t reflect a positive image of your company.
1: Your Website Is Old
When was the last time your website was redesigned? Technology and design change very quickly in the digital marketing world. You should redesign your website every 2-3 years.
2: Your website content doesn’t reflect your current business.
Think about where you were 5 years ago. Have your products changed? Have you changed your business focus? Over the years your business has changed and your website should reflect those changes.
3: It is hard for your visitors to find good information about your business.
Outdated and hard to find content is a sure way to lose visitors. People need to find relevent up-to-date content to be engaged and stay on your website longer. This will help with your Google page rank, as well as, giving you more opportunity to convert visitors to sales leads.
4: Your website doesn’t work on mobile devices.
Do you see more people coming to your site using mobile devices but leaving before they convert into a lead? Mobile users have different needs than a desktop user. Having a mobile friendly responsive site will give your visitors a specialized version of your website and content that will better fit their needs. Also, it is important to note that now Google penalizes websites that are not mobile friendly (Mobilegeddon 2015).
5: No inbound marketing and social integration.
There is no doubt as to how important inbound marketing and social media are to any digital marketing plan. They are also important to customer service and retention. Make sure you leverage the power of content marketing by adding “Calls To Action”, content offers and social media integration.
6: Your website just doesn’t look as good as everyone elses.
Has a new competitor come out of the blue with a new fancy website and you are steadily losing visitors and Google page rank? Websites that are well designed, use beautiful photos and engage the user can make visitors see you in a different light. If a place of business looks shabby and run down on the outside people wont be as apt to stop and come in the door. The same idea goes for your website. Having a beautiful website shows the world that you are serious about your business.
7: Your website isn’t visible on search engines.
If you want to rank high on search results first your website needs to be built correctly. Google greatly penalizes websites that have broken links and are slow to load. Keywords have little to do with SEO these days. Content is everything. Fresh blog articles and videos are important to being found on the internet.
If some of these situations are familiar then you may have an outdated website and should consider a redesign. Maybe you don’t have to start from scratch if your CMS is up-to-date, but your content and style should be fresh. Make sure you work with a developer that will implement the proper techniques to help you show up on search engines, engage visitors and convert sales leades.
For more informations on how to hire the right web developer for your project, check out:
Things you need to know about building a new website
What exactly is a digital agency?