The Covenant School is a private Christian PreSchool through Sixth Grade School. Their education focuses on making their students the most well rounded and educated 6th graders possible. Graduates attend the area’s best secondary schools where they establish themselves as leaders, problem solvers, and collaborative learners.
The Covenant School utilizes this website as their main marketing channel for new student enrollment. The new website delivers the most needed information for parents and helps make a difficult decision about where to enroll their children much easier.
After an initial optimization, Darkstar began to make changes to the website content, code, links and images monthly to increase traffic, and to take actionable/measurable steps to convert more visitors into applicants.
Darkstar worked with TCS to determine the most viewed and best converting content and pages before the website design process began. In this way, we were able to structure the page silos to deliver the most viewed content more quickly, and keep website visitors for longer visits and more conversions.
The private school website was built from the ground up to work on any device from a smart phone to a 4k television display. Using mobile first principals, the website scores well with search engines and visitors.